Dave and his students got on their way to Belgium yesterday without too much trouble. Last I heard from him they were at dinner in their hotel, so apparently everyone is accounted for and in one piece.
There was a minor hiccup when one of his co-workers came to my desk around noon and said, "Fancy making a run to St. Pancras?" Turns out one of the students left the bow for his violin behind, and obviously you can't do much with a violin if you don't have a bow. They were all at the train station waiting to board the Eurostar and I could catch them if I left right away.
So I did, taking two tube lines before getting there with time to spare and dropping off the bow. (A bow is a very awkward thing to carry, incidentally, especially if you don't have a violin case.)
The things I do for love.
Otherwise, yesterday was quiet in the library. I checked in and shelved a cart full of books about Ancient Rome that the 6th Grade had been using, and the Middle School librarian needs me to pull another cart load of books today. Plus I have a spreadsheet of statistics (of course) I'm trying to compile for the head librarian. So I have plenty to do, even with half of the school gone.
As for food, I haven't resorted to peanut butter yet. Dave left a chicken carcass in the refrigerator, the remnants of our dinners on Sunday and Monday, so I picked that clean last night and made chicken salad. It was not very complicated -- I threw in some left over parsley and some mayonnaise, of course. Does that count as cooking? To me it does.
(Photo: A fly on a daffodil in the garden. The insects are starting to move around more and more.)