Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Alexandria, Va., November 2006

OK, I admit it - this photo is competely staged. I went running on Saturday morning and found this gorgeous leaf, with its red stem and deep serrations. I wanted to keep it, but of course you can't really keep a leaf, which will dry up and turn brown within days if not hours. So I brought it upstairs to Kevin's and photographed it on his porch table.

My friend David has asked me to go with him on Saturday night to "speed dating" at The Center, the GLBT community center, here in New York. Apparently, in "speed dating," you sit down for three-minute exchanges with a series of other guys, and then follow up with the ones you might want to spend more time with. The idea kind of stresses me out - after all, I'm usually focused on trying to slow life down, not speed it up! But I think I might go. I could certainly use a date.

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