Monday, January 22, 2007

Washington, D.C., January 2007

I love the long shadows at this time of year. These, outside the Library of Congress, were particularly cool - so neatly parallel. I tried to photograph them, but with limited success. Then I noticed that although it was about 30 degrees, quite a few hardcore joggers were out and about. So I began working them into the picture, too.

The joggers definitely animated the photos, making them more lively. Unfortunately, waiting with my fingers exposed to the cold made them very numb, which probably contributed to me dropping my camera a few moments later. (See yesterday's entry.)

Our big book sale begins at work today. I spent yesterday afternoon hauling boxes of donated books, sorting and shelving and putting things in order. I've been pretty good about not buying too many books myself, although it's tempting. I already have so much to read!

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