Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Monroe Street, June 2007

Finally getting around to posting this morning. As you can see, I'm moving more slowly than usual. Guess this will be the theme of the holiday - which is a good thing!

It's still freakishly cool here in New York, which is such a change from our normal July 4 weather. I'm supposed to go with a friend tonight to watch the fireworks over the East River - when we've gone in years past we've sweltered. This year promises to be much more pleasant.

Hope to get out and take some more photos, too. Don't want the well to run dry!


  1. Love the pic. It looks like a roller coaster!

    Happy fourth! Enjoy the cool!

  2. Wow--this pic is very edgy and mod! love it...

  3. Very cool pic! Happy Fourth! Look forward to the firework glad you aren't here in the UK, all we get at the moment is rain and more rain!

  4. cool shot stevie!
