Saturday, February 28, 2009

No rules, just right

So in restarting this blog, I realize right off the bat that I have to lay some ground rules. Or, at least, one ground rule. And here it is: There are no ground rules.

In its earlier incarnation I posted to this blog virtually every day -- weekdays, weekends, always in the mornings. I followed a pattern, posting one short entry and one or two photos each day. Those were my rules, at least in my own brain.

I liked that consistency, but part of what grew tiring was the sense of obligation -- a feeling that I had to be here every day and fit my format.

So I’m pledging herewith to lighten up, for cripe’s sake, and just post when I have something to say. It may very well wind up being every day, and in the morning. Maybe even twice a day. Or once a week. But at least perhaps I won’t feel quite so much like I have to post, and more like I want to.

Let’s see where that takes us, shall we?

(Photo: Front entrance of the historic Vander Ende-Onderdonk house, Ridgewood, Queens, February 2009)


  1. I'm so glad you're back!! In whatever form, however, without rules and regulations, whatever!

    I have missed your voice even though we've been in touch. WELCOME BACK!!

  2. to no rules! or rules!

    to connection and creativity!! look forward to traveling along with you......

  3. Excellent to have you back, and I whole-heartedly concur with your flexible approach. Just do what feels right to you in the moment, and you can't go wrong.

  4. I need to adopt your new attitude. Here's to NO RULES!

  5. It's wonderful that you're back! Your flickr is great, but I love your writing with the photos. Cheers to no rules!

  6. It's good to have you back even though I didn't know you'd been gone! (For some reason, I hadn't seen your previous posts on Google Reader, so I only now read them when they showed up as new, probably because you re-imported them.)

    Anyhow, welcome back. Rules are HIGHLY overrated!

  7. Uh, "squeakykeene" is me. For some reason, Blogger isn't recognizing my login...

  8. Seems like a good plan Steve. Free yourself!

  9. I was hoping you'd resume the Blog. I'm glad we've been in touch in between, but I really missed your humor and photos!

  10. what about Rule 6?

    oh, sorry. There is apparently no Rule 6

  11. So glad you're blogging again. I missed you. Here's to the anarchy of blogging when & how you want. (Just don't disappear again, 'k?)
