Friday, September 4, 2009


What are your Labor Day plans? I'll be hanging around the city -- I have family visiting and we have a few activities lined up, including seeing "Hair" on Broadway. You may remember I saw "Hair" in Central Park last summer, so I'll be interested to see how it compares on an indoor stage. It's had rave reviews. I'm going with my stepmother, stepsister, nephew and Dave. I think Dave, who's not crazy about musical theater, is going to hate it.

Last night I went to see the first performance of Dave's band. For having worked just two weeks, they did a great job -- this is a challenging show for them and they're learning both music and field movements, so I was impressed! I took the photo above before the show -- I loved the way the stadium lights looked against the sunset.


  1. Enjoy your family visit and I hope Dave's musical endeavors continue to br great.

  2. Dave's band? Plays in stadiums? I must have missed a post or two that explains. Never mind - I'll catch up when I see you, but wow!!

    Beautiful picture! What a sunset.

    Enjoy the weekend. I'm going to work all weekend, a very good thing.

  3. Ohhhhh you are a very very good ambassadors för the blog-sphere.... I love your blog!

    Regards from Agneta in Sweden

  4. Thanks, e.

    Reya: Dave is a high school band director. When I say "Dave's band," that means the marching band at the school where he teaches.

    Agneta: Thanks so much, and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Enjoy you weekend. It sounds like fun.

  6. field movements??
    nice picture.

    hope you're having a good weekend.

  7. oh...I was in the city for the labor day weekend --mostly hanging around NYU...I should have tried to get in touch but figured you'd be in jersey or en vacance somewheres.
