Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

I resolved our mysterious Internet connection problem, so now we have more reliable Web access once again. It's amazing how frustrated, how hampered, I feel when I can't get online!

We're drowning in sweets here in New Jersey. We've made several different types of cookies, and Dave's mom sent a big box of sugary treats as well. My blood sugar levels are going to be insane for the next several weeks! We're finishing up our last batch of cookies today, and then we'll be working on Christmas Eve dinner (we're thinking the traditional fish) and Christmas dinner tomorrow. Every time I protest that I can't eat all this food, Dave says, "But it's Christmas!"

My cold seems to be dissipating, fortunately. I'm still a little congested but I feel much better than I did two days ago.

(Photo: Lexington Avenue, a couple of weeks ago.)


  1. I'm glad you are better without antibiotics. I wish I could just smell the wonderful smells of your kitchen as those two dinners come to be. I could do without the sweets though.

    Enjoy the holidays! The food is definitely the best part.

  2. Dave is absolutely correct. Now is the time to feast. You can detox after the first of the year.

    Glad you're feeling better and that you're plugged in once again.

    Happy Christmas to you both and the dogs! Enjoy!

  3. Happy to hear you're feeling better and once more connected.

    Happy Christmas and enjoy your treats. Best to you and Dave.
