Saturday, July 30, 2011

Portobello Road Market

Just a few photos to show you how crazy our neighborhood gets on Saturdays, the day of the Portobello Road Market. The street is literally jammed with people, and all the shops have tables set out on the sidewalks laden with antiques and knick-knacks.

Other merchants come in just for the day, selling produce, bread, clothing, accessories, and jewelry. Fortunately, the crowds are confined mostly to Portobello Road itself, and the side streets remain pretty much free and clear.

There are also buskers and other performers out and about. These guys (above) set up right next to the entrance to our apartment complex. I don't mind -- they sounded pretty good! And it's exciting to have so much activity so close to home. Fortunately, our apartment remains quiet. We're inside with the balcony door open and I can barely hear anything from the market.


  1. Fantastic! Just as in the film Notting Hill. Is there a travel bookshop and a house with a blue door??

    You have landed in the BEST neighborhood, Steve. I am so impressed.

  2. Don't you go having brunch there till we meet up! :)

  3. Fab! So what did you pick up? Anything?

  4. I just gave away the X-large red sweater I bought there for the equivalent of $5 10 years ago. Such a great market to have at your doorstep every weekend!
