Thursday, July 5, 2012

Scenes from a Rainy Wednesday

1. A discarded napkin in Hyde Park
2. The horses atop the Wellington Arch from the upstairs viewing deck
3. A quiet corner in The Two Chairmen, a pub off Trafalgar Square
4. An underground passage at the Westminster tube station
5. Big Ben from the station (the London version of this photo)

All of these were taken with my point-and-shoot, because I didn't want to carry around my big camera yesterday!


  1. So sorry you are having a rather soggy summer! I could send you some of our heat and no rain pattern if you'd like.

    Maybe that pitiful UK flag napkin sums up what they think of our Independence Day. :)

    Love the Big Ben shot. Each time I've visited London it's been covered in scaffolding. Nice to see how beautiful it really is. Cool angle!

  2. My fav is pic number 3. :) Looks quiet and peaceful.

