Sunday, January 22, 2017

Women's March on London

The crowds turned out for yesterday's Women's March on London -- between 80,000 and 100,000 people, according to the estimates I saw. We gathered in Grosvenor Square, in the shadow of the U.S. Embassy (which is in the process of being vacated for more modern, secure digs south of the river).

These were the coworkers I met up with, though as it happens, I lost them almost immediately while wandering around taking pictures. So I wound up marching by myself, which was fine -- it gave me maximum freedom of movement.

Needless to say, there were many, many women and girls at the event...

...but also plenty of men...

...and even several pets.

There was also a strong anti-Brexit tone to the crowd, with people making the obvious connections between Trump's populist uprising in the states and the populist separatist "Leave" movement here.

My only complaint about the event was that, once in the square, it wasn't immediately apparent what we were supposed to do or where we were supposed to go. I was trapped in a huge crowd standing basically still for at least an hour, as we waited to trickle out of the park and begin walking. I was getting pretty cranky. But then, finally, we got moving.

Poor Melania.

I walked the entire march route to Trafalgar Square, and even ran into my boss along the way. But I didn't linger in the square, where I believe more rallying was scheduled. It was getting dark and I was hungry and cold and needed a bathroom, so I came home (which wasn't easy because our tube line was shut down for repairs!).

It felt great to take action -- to turn the alarm I feel at the rise of Trump and his ilk into positive resistance. I hope we can all continue that resistance, in whatever way possible, for the next four years.


  1. Wow! The world is WOKE! :D

  2. Fascinating pictures Steve. I loved the "Free Melania" notion. You needed a bathroom? Why didn't you have a bath or shower when you got up on Saturday morning? Wanting to have a bath or a shower during a protest march seems frankly strange to me.

    Good on you for joining The Women's March and good on your work colleagues too!

  3. so many people turned out worldwide! it was a beautiful thing. I didn't march, living in a small town, and I had to work yesterday anyway, but I did sponsor someone else going to DC to march so I feel good about that.

  4. Poor Melania indeed. DT is a narcisstic personality who doen't even shrink back from disgracing his wife in the public. Wonder why she once married him, there are so many super rich men out there. Why him?

  5. I am so proud of you. As I said to Denise on her blog, you were a part of history! Great shots!
    And although I, too, find the "Free Melania" thing amusing, it is a big denigrating to her to believe that she is a victim. If DT is to be believed, she is very intelligent and obviously has a mind of her own- refusing to live in the White House and so forth. One can only assume that she stays with this man of her own free will which makes me believe she's not very concerned with issues of morality and grace.

  6. So I'm sure many people were uncomfortable like you but you continued with the march. The pressure is going to have to continue and not always with marches. How about everybody mailing the sucker?

  7. That is a huge amount of people at the march. Way more than marched here. I hope the people stay awake an d observant.

  8. I believe that dog WOULD be a better President.

  9. So sad that marches like these were needed on the day after the inauguration. But they were. Good for you for joining the march.

  10. I live on a farm outside a small town in rural Saskatchewan, so there was no march to attend in my near vicinity, but I was rootin' for you all, everywhere, and grateful to you, too!
    I've never attended a march or protest but thanks to you, Steve, I will track down and wear an adult diaper if and when I do. Peeing must not be postponed for long! (Says every postmenopausal woman everywhere.)

  11. I'm so glad you went to the march! I love all the pictures. I was traveling & couldn't go, so I'm glad you represented!

  12. Great pictures! And good on you for getting out and marching!

  13. The world wide turnout was amazing!

  14. Great pics, and I'm glad that you were able to march! I, too, stood for literally hours in Los Angeles and never really "marched" as there were just too many people along the route. It was CRAZY and exhilarating.

  15. Great posting & great images, and of course GREAT EVENT so many places.
