Sunday, August 25, 2019

Foxglove Distribution Campaign

Speaking of closed pubs -- as I was yesterday -- here's another one I came across not too long ago. It's also in Kilburn, not far from the Carlton Tavern. I've never seen any activity here, and although there's no official "closed" sign, apparently it's been shuttered for many years. One source I found online said it closed in 2003.

Too bad -- it looks like a quaint little neighborhood pub, and I like the name.

Remember my foxglove seedlings? They've prospered and grown pretty large, at least for the seed trays they're in now. Not a single plant died, so I wound up with 160 of them (!) and I'm starting to try to find them homes.

I've been asking around at work, and yesterday morning I delivered 28 of them to co-workers who live nearby. I'm like Johnny Appleseed! I think I'll take the rest to work and try to hand them out there. We'll hang on to 20 or 30 for ourselves -- still more than we need.

Dave and I were walking Olga through the nearby council estate several weeks ago when I spied this little toy in a trash bin. It's Peppa Pig! In a rocket ship! How could I not pick it up?! Yes, I know, I am a 52-year-old man -- DO NOT make fun of me.

(Well, OK -- go ahead. I'm used to it.)

Peppa now lives on our kitchen windowsill.

Speaking of age, last night I watched an episode of "Gilligan's Island" while Dave cooked dinner. (I was drinking wine, which is pretty much the only way to tolerate "Gilligan's Island" as an adult.) Anyway, I realized with horror that I am now older than any of the actors when they appeared on that show, with the exception of the Howells -- and I'm exactly the same age as Jim Backus when he played Thurston Howell. Even the Skipper was younger then than I am now. Crikey!


  1. It's sad to see the demise of local pubs..a sort of community gathering place.
    Not always in a good way, mind you, as many were men only and that's where much of the wages went....

    Congratulations on the foxglove success..a good food plant for insects

  2. Oh my, another beautiful old building. I love the name of it too. It's so sad to see these wonderful places being closed down. Your Foxglove plants are looking really great. I love your Peppa Pig. I'm so glad you rescued her and gave her a new forever home. As for age, you're really only as old as you feel. I wouldn't mind being 52 again for a day or two. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. I am many years older than you and would have taken Peppa Pig in moment. Good for you.
    Cheers Peter

  4. Thank you for giving Peppa Pig a new home!

  5. I like that when you drink wine, you get deep thoughts. It makes it all worthwhile.

  6. When you watch Gilligan's Island you are the exact same age you were when you first watched it. That's the way it is.
    I love the little Peppa Pig. And now if a child comes to your house on a visit you will have a toy for him or her to play with.
    Can you plant Foxglove seedlings in the fall? What a gardener you have become!

  7. I'm unfamiliar with Peppa Pig but it's a cool toy...a pig in a spaceship. fits right in. I would take some of those foxgloves if I was so far away.

  8. That's a lot of Foxglove plants. I hope you find homes for all of them. Nice little Peppa Pig you brought home.

  9. Now plants. I had lots of plants at school. I started many plants for kids. So , Dave give some of your plants to students. Many kids like plants.

  10. Good heavens, did that age reality thing make you drink more wine? I love Peppa Pig. I wouldn't have wanted to leave him in the trash either. There is going to be a lot of pretty foxglove blooms in your neighborhood thanks to you!

  11. If you would like to come to Harpenden....easy on the train and Olga would be welcome....I would love some foxglove seedlings! ...or just come and see us for a different dog walk. My schnauzer is friendly!

  12. Peppa Pig - AWWWW, I love her rocket boat car thing, so pleased that you did not let this little bit of joy remain in the bin. England has the perfect climate for growing wonderful gardens. Inspiring- Mr. man , inspired by your avocado now has a twelve inch tall stick growing out of a pot on the table...we shall see...Everything dies in the winter. ( may this hold true for certain politicians...)

  13. What has happened to pub culture in the UK? Is it no longer a thing to go for a pint after work? Those buildings are so good looking, I hate to see them empty.

  14. Ah, the age creeps up on you . . . before it begins crashing along at breakneck speed. Better keep collecting those Peppa toys, Steve.

  15. Hah - your age-related comments reminded me of the years I spent thinking my mother always looked younger than I do, in photos where we would have been at the same stage of life. But my story turns out differently. When I finally did the calculations she WAS actually younger in those photos - she got married at a younger age than I did and had us kids right away instead of waiting as I did. It made me feel better. I sympathize about anything that makes you feel older, though :)

    It's sweet that you gave Peppa a home -- and horrors on Ms Moon's suggestion to give it to a child to play with! lol

  16. Peppa Pig always makes me smile - and I love her accent! She's gotten very popular here in the US. I can't believe the Howells were only in their early 50s. They always seemed quite elderly! And Gilligan always seemed much younger than he really was.

  17. Love that Peppa Pig! I would totally have rescued it too.

    Gilligan always make me think of the time they did a musical Hamlet (was it Hamlet?). Hilarious.

  18. Make fun of you? Good heavens! Who would ever think of mocking a fellow like you? Not me that is for sure. As you know, I have always addressed you with due seriousness and reverence and this state of affairs will continue ad infinitum.

  19. I used to love Gilligan's Island as a kid, but I've never once tried to watch it as an adult. I imagine wine is essential.

  20. An adult with toys? The shame! The shame!
    (Heh heh. . . )

  21. So cute...and I have watched Gilligan's Island as a younger adult...I also liked the Addams Family. Morticia was a favorite/...
