Sunday, April 17, 2022

Time to Pack

My trip is winding down. I'll be back on a plane this evening, insha'allah, and flying back to London. It has gone very fast!

My stepbrother and his wife, who live in Louisiana, drove into town late Friday specifically to see me, so we spent yesterday together. I haven't seen them since my dad died back in 2016, so it's been great to spend some time together. We've mostly been marveling at the political insanity that seems to have swept this country. (Fortunately we all share the same political views.)

I've got to re-pack my bag, and somehow cram in the stuff I've bought while I'm here. I got a new set of king-sized bed sheets, because British king sheets don't fit our American king bed. (The dimensions aren't the same.) I also had a new pair of shoes shipped to my brother's address, because shipping them to the UK would cost more than the shoes themselves, and I have to get those home. Plus a couple pairs of shorts and a few more odds and ends. I deliberately left my bag partly empty when I came to Florida so hopefully there will be room.

On my walk yesterday morning I noticed this house (above) with some beautiful amaryllis planted around its base. It made me wish I lived in a place warm enough to plant such things outside. If I could twinkle my nose like Samantha Stephens and make anything happen, I'd transport our avocado tree to Florida so we could put it in the ground. And probably a few more of our houseplants too.

My stepmother has this growing at the side of her yard. It was a complete surprise to her. I guess it came up from some bird seed, maybe? There's a black beetle in the center feeding on some nectar.

And here's a final Florivideo™!

It's kind of a mixed bag of clips I've made over the past few days -- it starts with about a minute of the dawn chorus outside my stepmother's guest house. (Among the songbirds you might hear a neighborhood rooster, as well as the background hum of traffic on the nearby highway.) Then there's a defunct country store I passed on my drive from Jacksonville back to Tampa, followed by some wildflowers growing near my stepmother's house. Finally, you'll see a sandhill crane, which are quite common in this area. They're usually in pairs. I don't know why this one was by itself -- maybe it's still looking for a mate.


  1. I enjoyed the walk, and it was really sweet of Jim to come see you!

  2. How splendid that your stepbrother and his wife drove over from Louisiana to see you. I trust they were not disappointed. I guess many American families have been riven by Trumpism. Thank goodness your family sing from the same socio-political hymn sheet. Finally, when you are back in London, why not practise walking around the library like a sandhill crane? It would look so cool. Have a safe trip!

  3. I was thinking sheets was an odd purchase until you explained it, and then I remembered Carlos and I bought a 50-pound garden statue while visiting California one year and brought it back to Florida with us because, you know, they don't sell garden statues in Florida!!!
    Safe travels.

  4. Safe travels home, dear Steve. I hope your time with family members was restoring, all the stateside craziness aside.

  5. Hope your flight home goes smoothly! I am sure that Dave and Olga will be so happy to see you. Are you bringing treats for them too?

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful week in Florida. It all went so quickly. Soon you'll be on a plane flying back to London. I loved seeing that Sandhill crane walking down the street there. I've never seen one (or maybe I've briefly seen a huge flock fly over once). What a lovely view you had.
    Have a safe journey home, Steve.

  7. Buen viaje! Another fun video. Imagine, Ole McDonald had a country store, too. There was no way I could cram everything into my original suitcase. I filled it and a second. Fortunately, I had a two-bag allowance.

  8. That was a packed week. Lovely to see so many relatives, too.
    Thanks for the final video. I agree that Florida is amazing for plants. My neighbor commented after one recent trip that his houseplants are there in the garden center, for outdoor planting. We forget how many houseplants are tropical.

  9. Safe trip back home! I really enjoyed your videos, very nice mix.

  10. Sounds like a very good visit. Safe travels home.

  11. Clever about the shoes and the sheets. I had no idea bed dimensions were different between countries. Hmmm. It has seemed like you just arrived! A quick but satisfying trip and you've packed a lot into it.

  12. Good job on the sheets. It never occurred to me that bed dimensions would be different, but of course they would. Places like Florida seem impossible to me after spending those years in the desert.

  13. In what part of Louisiana do they live? I have family there. It's interesting that the crane isn't spooked by your presence. Safe journey home!

  14. The birds sound amazing. That crane doesn't seem the least bit intimidated by you walking along beside it. Have a safe flight home to England!

  15. That tree in the first photo is magnificent! Thank you for letting us tag along with you on this trip ... it's nice to see Florida thru your eyes and the videos!
    Certainly Carlos will appreciate the new sheets!!

  16. I wonder, do you yearn for your homeland Steve. London doesn't seem to compare well.
    Safe journey home.

  17. I love the part of the video with the crane. What a delicate-looking creature, with its stick-thin legs and spread toes. And was that a squirrel running across the front walkway behind the first part of the crane segment? He's really hoofing it!

    Have a good flight home. It must be a little bittersweet every time you leave Florida ... or maybe that's just how I'd be.

  18. I do love your Florivideos. Sandhill Cranes are just magnificent birds. When we go to Roseland, they often come up on the yard between the house and river and we feel blessed every time we see them. We don't get them here but Lon and Lis do in Gatorbone, which is near Gainesville.
    I'm glad you had a good trip back, and I hope you have a good trip home. I am sure that Dave and Olga have missed you.

  19. It seem that all trips end much too soon. Safe trip back.

  20. I've never seen a sky so full of birds. You should be safely home buy there time you read this.

  21. That sandhill crane portion of the video is amazing, particularly so to a desert dweller who frightens the doves when they encounter him. The crane is so nonchalant, kind of like the roadrunners out here. Grand photography. Thanks, Steve. And bon voyage again.

  22. Cool to get so close to the crane! Hope it finds somebody to love.

  23. A surprise Sunflower! The crane is quite calm as you follow him around.
    Bed sizes and sheets should be standardised the world over. Here in Australia even different brands of beds and sheets don't always match up. Don't get me started on pillows and cases.

  24. Sending you all good wishes for safe travels. The shoes still have to get to England, don't they? I hope your brother is coming to visit soon! And very interesting on the sheets. I've noticed difference in frame sizes in some countries, too. Makes it hard for art. Wow -- love the crane!

  25. That tree is awesome! I always leave extra room in my suitcase when I travel. Have a safe trip. Hugs, Edna B.
