Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Nothing Post

The daffodils on the housing estate I pass on my walk to work -- the one with Leon's "Ideas" sculpture on a pedestal -- are blooming up a storm!

London is facing a big tube strike today. Fortunately it doesn't affect me much because I'm able to walk to work, but I know I'm lucky in that respect.

Yesterday, my first day back post-Covid, went fine. Lots of people asked me how I was feeling and what my experience with the illness was like. There's still quite a bit of curiosity around Covid even though most of us have had it at least once by now. I was happy to disappoint everyone by saying my symptoms were minimal.

Otherwise, not a lot else is going on. As I lie in bed writing this post it's 33ยบ F outside. It was supposed to freeze this morning and there's a touch of frost on the lawn, but the birdbath isn't frozen so I don't think it quite got there. This was our last expected cold night for quite a while, so the plants go back outside before I go to work.


  1. Glad you're back in business. Those daffodils are glorious.

  2. It will never be a nothing post with your magnificent photos. And daffodils make any post special.

  3. We were n the 80s last week, and the 30s this morning.
    I love the daffodils; ours are blooming as well, a welcome sign of spring, surely?

  4. If I had a dollar for every time you mentioned a tube strike going on in the past twelve months, I'm sure I could have eaten a meal for free with the proceeds. Maybe not a steak dinner though.

  5. It's 24 degrees here. And now I shall commence complaining about the cold, even though I was worried about how unseasonably warm it was last week. There's just no pleasing me.

  6. Ah, the daffodils are worth the price of admission.
    I don't think it got as cold here last night as it was supposed to. But the coolness is so nice.

  7. There is just something about daffodils that sing the beauty of spring. I fall in love with them every year.
    It's a chilly 33 degrees here this morning as well which means clear blue skies today, a nice change from the atmospheric river that came through here for the past few days.

  8. It seems strange to me to see those lovely daffodils and then hear there is a freeze warning.

  9. Daffodils around here are just beginning. Those in your picture are lovely. That's not nothing!

  10. My daffodils spears are getting taller and taller - should be blooming soon I think as it starts warming up a bit...

  11. I love the daffodils ... sunshine on a stem!
    It was 66° in So. Colorado yesterday; 67° forecast for today, and 36° and snow tomorrow!
    I will be glad when the roller-coaster weather is finished!

  12. I probably jumped the gun on bringing out the plumerias as we are having a week of winter but no freeze expected. it can certainly happen though as one March I had brought them out and then we had a freeze. thought I had lost them all but most came back from the roots.

  13. Instead of saying your symptoms were minimal, you should have hammed it up. "I was at death's door so Dave called for an ambulance and I was rushed into hospital with blue lights flashing and the siren blaring. Inside the hospital I fell to my knees and prayed to Saint Jerome - the patron saint of librarians - so that I might be spared from the grave. And lo! My prayer was answered!"

  14. To Ed above, the London Tube strikes have been going on for a number of years over the same still unresolved issues, night drivers and workers contract terms. It is less about money, more about working conditions and hours.

  15. We're having a cold snap, too. I hope it doesn't mess us anything already blooming, especially our fruit trees. I'm glad your covid was mild! It still seems to be everywhere here!

  16. Arrrrrrrghhhhh! I have daffodil envy.

  17. We have not had covid, yet. I just bought a new mask with an exhale vent, super comfortable and has a neck cord for easy removal without losing it on the street. Recommended for travel.We will see...From here to London is a long haul wearing a mask.
    You, as usual, are a bit ahead of us - Daffys not blooming yet.

  18. I always love the Daffs but feel a bit sad this year to think that Tom will never see a Daff again, we used to love going for walks when all the Spring flowers were out.
    Glad you are better.

  19. Although I'm on Team Tulip, those daffodils are pretty and cheerful!

  20. Glad you are back in gear. I'm such a sucker for daffodils -- I hope they make it with the cold.

  21. Thanks for the comments, everybody. I love the daffodils at this time of year. They definitely brighten things up!

    Ed, as Rachel said, the tube strikes have been ongoing for ages. And it doesn't look like they'll be resolved anytime soon. We also have periodic rail strikes affecting national railroads and strikes affecting other public services (like the post office, NHS and certain civil servants).
