Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Botswana, August 2006

How's this for a change of pace? Apologies to those who read my blog purely for its New York-centric focus, because for the next couple of days, we're taking a detour to Africa.

I've spent the last three weeks in southern Africa, mostly camping in Botswana. I took these shots on my third night in the country, when I was with my tour group in the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans - vast flat expanses where animals and birds roam. We saw wandering ostrich and springbok and slept out under a spectacular array of stars.

I was fascinated by this small tree at our campsite. It was literally the only one for miles around. What made it grow there?

I took all these shots in this order within about 20 minutes; it amazed me how much the light varied within so short a period.

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