Friday, September 29, 2006

Rose Hill, February/July 2006

Here's something you don't see every day - a graffiti portrait! This is on E. 27th Street, just west of Lexington Avenue. It looks like the artist used a single continuous line, more or less.

I think the same artist is responsible for this...

...which used to be on a wall right next door to the first painting. At first I thought this was a group of miniature portraits or maybe even space aliens, my favorite graffiti subject - but after looking more closely, I believe it's a single, highly abstract face. (It has since been painted over.)

And then there's this...

...on E. 31st Street, a few blocks away, between Park and Madison avenues. Definitely the same style, and also a face.

By the way, this area of the East 20s and lower 30s is sort of a "gray zone" on the map of Manhattan, sandwiched between Gramercy Park and Murray Hill. My AIA guide calls it "Rose Hill," while acknowledging that it's "a precinct seeking a name." So for the purposes of today's post, I'm following the AIA's lead.

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