Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Google me

One of the things I like most about blogging is Google.

Through my site meter, I can see not only how many visitors I have and where (roughly) they are located, but also how they find my site. A lot of times they find it through Google.

Sometimes it’s via simple searches like “Hell’s Kitchen graffiti,” which someone used yesterday. For some unfathomable reason, lots and lots of people search for “Grand Concourse, Bronx,” which seems to inevitably bring them to me.

I’ve discovered that naming celebrities invites Google traffic. Since I mentioned Kieran Culkin and Natasha Lyonne several weeks ago, they’ve both been Googled. The luckless Googlers were lured to my site, only to discover that I said very little about either one. (Maybe I should name one random celebrity every day, just to generate traffic?)

From all that I can tell, no one has Googled Geraldo Rivera.

Several months ago, I wrote about two of my favorite old movies. That single posting has brought tons of people, many looking for information on Sharon Tate. Someone in Iran Googled “Sharon Heston” - I don’t know who that is, but the Googler landed on me.

My favorite Googled term so far, though, is “Ava Gardner catfight.” I really want to meet the person who ran that search. I bet we’d have a good laugh.

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