Saturday, December 2, 2006

Upper West Side, Sept. 2006

I was walking on W. 91st Street to meet a friend one night when I passed a dark playground full of these little concrete horses. It was a bizarre sight, with the photos made even more bizarre by the ghostly flash. My AIA Guide to New York says the horses, created by sculptor Constantino Nivola, were installed to enliven otherwise bland public housing. They've "seen some heavy use, but alas, there is no ASPCA to protect concrete horses," the book adds.

We did get our cold snap yesterday. I sweltered all day in my stuffy office (where the air conditioner has been turned off because it's, well, DECEMBER) and then went to a movie with a friend. When we emerged around 10 p.m., a fresh wind was blowing and the temperature had dropped considerably. It's in the low 40s this morning.

Saw an interesting trio of movies this week: "Shortbus," "The Last King of Scotland" and "Volver." Of the three, "Shortbus" was definitely the most enjoyable. (LOVE that animated model of NYC...oh, and Jay Brannan, too!) But all three were good in different ways. Penelope Cruz is great in "Volver," and about as beautiful as a human being can get; "Scotland" ultimately left me depressed about the cycles of viciousness and hopelessness in Africa. Next, maybe I need to see something really shallow...

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