Friday, April 13, 2007

Red Hook, Brooklyn, February 2007

I love looking in people's windows. Not in a perverted, hiding-in-the-hedge kind of way - just as I'm walking past an apartment building. It's always interesting to take a quick glance and see how an apartment is decorated, or see what kinds of tchotchkes people have on their windowsills. In this case, it was mostly little plants, which makes the window look very homey.

Let's face it - if you live in the city and your window opens onto the sidewalk, you have to expect people to look, particularly if you have tchotchkes on your windowsill. (Like these.)

I think this innocent curiosity is one reason people like to go to open houses held by real estate agents. There is an endless fascination with real estate in New York, and it's partly fueled by curiosity about how other people live. Space is so tight here, and some of the living arrangements are so bizarre. If you go to an open house, you can check out the apartment's layout, the color scheme, and you can mentally try it on, just as you'd try on a shirt at Banana Republic.

I'm not personally a fan of open houses - the only time I went was before I bought my current apartment. But some people go almost recreationally. I'll settle for checking out windowsills.

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