Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Rivington Street, April 2007

The ghost of Joan Miro apparently surfaced on the Lower East Side long enough to paint this wall, which even comes with its own frame. I quite like it.

Several weeks ago I agreed to write an article for the Zendo newsletter about my trip to Botswana last summer. I was a little concerned about it, because I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to relate Africa to Zen practice. But as it turned out, when I sat down and finally put my mind to it, it all came together pretty well. (It's a good thing that ultimately everything is practice, right?) When it comes out in the newsletter I'll share the link with you.

Meanwhile, my friend Jesse posted a photo of me taking photos. I think I need a shave.

It's very hard to type when you're lying in bed with a cup of coffee at your side and a cat on your chest.

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