Friday, June 15, 2007

Coney Island, June 2007

In Coney Island, we had an obligatory walk on the beach. We went down to the waterline and I stuck my fingers in - it wasn't as cold as I was afraid it would be. The beach is wide and pretty clean, considering all the people who congregate there, but you've definitely got to keep an eye out for the occasional piece of broken glass.

I forgot how harsh the sun is on the beach. I usually wear a hat, but I often don't cover my arms or my neck when I walk around in the city, and I seldom get burned. On Coney Island, though, in a relatively short period of time, I got a bit red.

The temperature in New York has been freakishly cool the last several days. I actually wore a jacket to work yesterday, which is unheard of in the middle of June! It's nice to not have to turn on the air conditioner, though.


  1. This shot is so clean, the freshly raked sand, the clean trash bins...and of course the shadows. pretty amazing. I like the colors too, very simple. nice.

  2. I'm glad the birds vacated your a/c system so it's available when the hot weather arrives. It's very cool here, too - the high today is supposed to be 74 degrees! Not quite cool enough for a jacket - just perfect, actually.

    LOVE the pic. Wow. yes, Ched, it's a "clean" shot on so many layers.

  3. This is a splendid photo. I really love the patterns and shapes. Indeed, what bizarre weather for mid June. We are having our typical June; cool and rainy today. You'd think after almost 18 years, I wouldn't expect "summer" to really arrive in June around here, but, I always hope ;) Have a great weekend!

  4. Well, Reya, the bird situation has not been entirely resolved. But actually, I think there are no birds. More about that tomorrow...

  5. wow yes, a fab. pictures - the shadows create an optical illusion.

    i've still only just adjusted my brain to thinking in terms of "summer" not "spring".

    was just going to say something potentially miserable about autumn..... but i wont...

  6. great shot monsieur! tis very cold here too. amd windy and rainy and stay at homey and eat biscuits by the firey

  7. photo is incredible.
