Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hell's Kitchen, June 2007

I feel a little bit as if I’ve dropped into a black hole for the past week. The office move took up so much of my time and energy that I haven’t been able to do much else. I did get out and take photos on Saturday, and of course there was the parade, but I haven’t been sitting at all. I’ve missed my quiet time to reflect and collect myself.

I did watch a great old film two nights ago: “Forbidden Planet.” Remember the chorus from the song “Science Fiction Double Feature” from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”?

Science Fiction - Double Feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See androids fighting Brad and Janet
Anne Francis stars in "Forbidden Planet"
Oh-oh at the late night, double feature, picture show.

Ever since I first saw “Rocky Horror,” I have wondered about “Forbidden Planet.” So I rented it, and what an awesome old sci-fi movie it is! From 1956, it’s more than just a yarn - it has a message, like a lot of the old “Star Trek” shows. Highly recommended!

I’ve also learned that one of the theaters here in New York has a midnight showing of Rocky Horror on weekends. I haven’t seen it in a theater for 20 years or so. I might just have to go - if I can stay up that late.


  1. What a lovely idea, I hope you make it to the theater! :o)

    Lovely photo today too :o)

  2. I LOVE Forbidden Planet!! It's one of my all-time favorites for so many reasons. The technicolor is so lurid, the costumes and hairdos are out of this world, and the sound track is fantastic! That was the height of theramin music in sci fi films. Wow!!

    I also think it's pretty scary, since you can't really see Dr. Morbid (that's not really his name, but something like that) anyway you can't really ever see Dr. Morbid's ID.

    I saw the movie once on the big screen - absolutely fabulous!

  3. Oh wow - the big screen would be GREAT! Walter Pigeon's character was Dr. Morbius. I was surprised that it's a color movie - I expected black and white. But it's REALLY colorful, as you said!

    And yeah, the music and "tonalities," as they're called in the credits, are really terrific.

  4. I've never seen Forbidden Planet, but it sounds like I should. Wow, it's probably been 20 years since I've seen Rocky Horror Picture Show, I"m sure it must show around here on occasion. What a trip that would be.

    Hope you're feeling more rested...

  5. forbidden planet is great. i love those old sci fi flicks. hope you get some quiet time ole reedo!

  6. oh yeah - a fave film!

    have you seen The Day the earth stood still? you'd prob. like that too, i think
