Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hell's Kitchen, June 2007

I took this in Hell’s Kitchen yesterday, as I was walking around town with two fellow blog buddies, Reya and D. Chedwick. We all liked the feathery shadows. One particular kind of street tree in New York - I think it’s a locust - casts these shadows.

Let me just say right off the bat how great it was to finally get a chance to visit with two fellow bloggers! Normally in the blogosphere you labor away in physical isolation from your compatriots, commiserating solely via the Web. It was nice to meet up face-to-face for a change and compare notes on pertinent subjects like cameras, blog stalkers and comment spam!

More importantly, it was great to get even more of a sense of my “blog kin,” as Reya would say. I can verify that both Reya and Ched are much like their blogs. Reya is warm and gently observant, while Ched spins funny stories with ease. Reya picks up on energy in interesting ways - at one point she held a silver bracelet that I got in Morocco 15 years ago, and wear every day. "It really resonates," she said.

We had lunch together and then walked through an industrial, “Mad Max” part of Chelsea (we even saw a big flashy motorcycle!), on the way to a gallery where I left them both to go back to work. (Alas, duty called.) I showed them one of my good graffiti streets and the Starrett-Lehigh Building on 11th Avenue. I wish we’d had time to spend the whole day together, but I’m sure now that we’ve made contact, that opportunity will eventually come. We're blog kin, after all!


  1. How exciting for you to meet Ched and Reya. I have to say that the only blogger I've met in person is me and I'm even less interesting in person, than I am in cyberspace.

    Great shadows in the picture. Have a great day.

  2. I have a great pic of you taking that first pic. It was a wonderful meeting, a fabulous lunch and the most unusual walking tour of New York I've ever experienced. Both you and Ched (and Gary, too) are both like your blogs and not like your blogs, as it should be. It was wonderful, and utterly normal, to meet. Can't wait to take a long, photo taking tour with you next time I'm there!

    The last pic on my post today is of the Starrett-Lehigh building, reflected from the back window of a car with a bubbling reflective coating.

  3. What a delightful story of bloggers meeting outside the blogsphere! Haven't done that, but you all made the effort and deepened your connection. Thanks for sharing your encounter.

  4. What fun! I'm excited to meet my blogging buddy Frog (from Frog with a Blog) in Paris in early July!

  5. Steve,
    Sorry you had to get back to work yesterday just as I was leaving work. Since meeting is in the air perhaps we can do so, we are both in NYC after all.
    Great pics!

  6. i look forward to the day we can all catch up!
