Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Madison Square Park, June 2007

This was the scene that Mom and I stumbled onto on Saturday, when we went to Madison Square Park and found it packed for a Barbecue Festival. I was especially impressed with these stainless steel tree sculptures, the work of sculptor Roxy Paine. They'll be in place through December. They seem wintry, so it will be interesting to see how they look when the leaves drop in the fall.

I just put Mom in a cab, headed for the airport and home. We had a good time. Yesterday we took the subway out to Coney Island, which Mom pronounced "sad," and indeed it does look somewhat downtrodden. We got Nathan's Famous hot dogs and sat on the boardwalk next to two leathery old guys, one named Murray, who immediately started feeding old bread to a cacaphonous flock of seagulls.

Mom does not share my fascination with street art, but she very patiently put up with my photography, so I got some good shots of Coney Island. More to come!


  1. I love the silver tree sculpture! Wow. Since I'm planning to come up to NY every Wednesday forever (I wish) ... I should have the opportunity to see them up close. It will be fun for you to watch how they fit in as the seasons change.

    If you're a leathery old guy, you should be named "Murray!" How perfect is that? Can't wait to see the Coney Island shots.

  2. Morning Steve. Don't you just have to love an old guy named Murray? I'll bet he was a bookkeeper or maybe someone's agent in the old days.

    Before I read your post I thought that the trees looked like they we dead and that the parks people were not doing their job.

    Hope you mom had a great stay.

  3. Did you stand in the very long line to get a hamburger at Madison Square Park? Supposedly, one of the best burgers in the city.

  4. I am loving those tree sculptures...

  5. R & M: Murray really was the perfect name for this guy. He kept telling his buddy how he'd just gotten out of "rehab" for his leg. (So obviously physical rehab, not Lindsay Lohan rehab.)

    P: I never have gone to the "Shake Shack" for a burger or anything else. It's always just too mobbed, though I've heard it's excellent food.

    JDZS: Aren't they awesome??

  6. What trippy tree sculptures. They look like hands with long fingernails reaching out. How nice to spend time with your mom ;) I miss that since my mom and I are on opposite coasts.

    Looking forward to your Coney Is. pics!

  7. I want to see the tree sculptures in the snow. it could happen.

  8. i love the trees!

  9. I took some pictures of those metal trees back in April - they're on my flickr site (which you just found!) It was a day just like that one - people everywhere!

  10. I walk through Madison Square Park everyday on my way to work. They always have such interesting artwork. Did you check out the big silver rock? Sometimes I don't get it all but the trees are great.
