Monday, June 25, 2007

Times Square, June 2007

Well, Hillary was a no-show. See? You never know what to expect from the Pride Parade.

I met up with my friends Rob, Dan and Jimmy to watch yesterday’s festivities. We gathered at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighth Street, which put us completely by accident at a strategic spot, where the parade turned to go into Greenwich Village.

Of course, there were all the elements one would expect: The Speedo-clad guys, the corporate floats, the big advertisements for bars, the politicians. (Chuck Schumer did show up, and Hillary’s people were there with signs, which I thought was kind of a cop-out. But I guess she’s probably busy working the crowds in Iowa, or wherever.)

The parade was so long that after watching for a couple of hours, we went to get something to eat. When we came back, the drag queens were still on the march. (My favorite was dressed as Madonna circa 1991, complete with conical brassiere and long I-Dream-of-Jeannie wig.)

There were marchers from churches and synagogues. (No gay Muslims, though - at least not that we saw.) There were floats carrying elaborately dressed Peruvian gays and Brazilian gays and Venezuelan gays and Caribbean gays. There was a float for a Mazda dealership in New Jersey. Apparently, pretty much anyone can have a float in the Pride Parade.

Sure, it’s all a little nutty, and quite a bit over the top, but a little celebratory nuttiness is called for now and then!


  1. Sounds like a great day and love you picture today :o)

  2. Sounds like the parade was a lot of fun. Have a good day.

  3. I love drag queens, and I'm always up for celebratory nuttiness. And car dealerships in New Jersey who want you to know they'll be happy to take your gay money. Humans are funny, thank God!!

  4. Pride paradres are my favorite things to ignore...though I am glad you had a nice day, Steve.

  5. Sounds like fun! Seattle had it's annual Gay Pride Parade, too. I didn't make that this year, but last Sat. I did make the Fremont Solstice Parade, which is noted for the nude bicyclists. That's a refreshing sight (well, not always), but I always look forward to The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence;drag queen nuns, they are just beautiful!

    Great pic!

  6. now there's an idea zippy!
    i went to the mardi gras here 5 years ago, and the raelians had a float! they werewrapped up in cling film in their underwear. everyone stopped cheering when they went by. weird...

  7. Zapped: Nude bicyclists?? Yikes. That just sounds unpleasant in so many ways. (Apologies to all my nude bicyclist readers.)

    I love the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, though. I still remember when Sister Boom-Boom ran for mayor of San Francisco.

    Pod, that is FUNNY about the Raelians! Shocked silence is really the only appropriate response. :)
