Sunday, July 22, 2007

Long Island City, Queens, July 2007

There's an art museum called P.S. 1 in Queens (yes, it used to be a public school) that's affiliated with the Museum of Modern Art. Every Saturday afternoon and evening during the summer they hold a sort of party in the courtyard, with a DJ and dancing and beer, and lots of people lounging around in hammocks. I went yesterday with several of my friends from Queens, and we had a ball.

We were really impressed with the diversity of the crowd. A very wide age range - mostly 20- and 30-somethings, but also many people older than that. All races. Gay and straight. It was pretty impressive to see a single event that drew so many different people, all mixing it up on the dance floor.

And what a great idea to really animate an art museum, and overcome its essentially formal atmosphere!


  1. Great vid! what a nice, friendly, happy vibration in that crowd. I love New York!

  2. Good morning Steve. I love the idea of using an old school for a museum.

  3. I'd like to sit in one of those chairs and watch the world go by.

  4. When Dan and I used to live in Williamsburg, we went to that Saturday PS. 1 party all the time. It used to be really fun, glad it's still kicking!

  5. my wv was funme :o)

  6. that is a cool idea.

    Tate modern would be a great party venue.
    Not so sure about the Nat. Gallery tho!
