Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Long Island City, Queens, July 2007

I thought this was an interesting house -- elegantly ornate and shabby at the same time!

I’m going to Florida on Thursday for a quick visit with the family. I’m not sure what my blogging status will be during that time -- we’ll have to play it by ear.

I’m also not sure what to do with my cat. I’ll be gone five days, which is just a little too long to leave her alone. But at the same time, I hate to board her at the vet, which involves a lot of stress on her part. I may ask someone in the building to watch her, if I can think of someone to trust with my house keys!

Last night I watched “Dark Victory” with Bette Davis (whose name I habitually mistype as “Better”). Very tragic, melodramatic and glamorous. Those old black & white films really had an incredible photographic beauty. In one scene, Bette wore a sequined cap, and the light flashing off the sequins created an amazing effect. Watching “Knocked Up” just isn’t the same!


  1. I agree (about the movies). Dark Victory is one of my favorites. Better Davis is one of my great heroines. She was amazing in so many ways. Wow.

    So nice to catch up a bit with your blog. Great pics over the weekend and today!

  2. Steve, have a safe trip and a relaxing time with your family.

  3. That is a fun picture - I have flashbacks seeing it!

    I'd offer to watch your cat if I lived in NYC! I may be able to make that offer for real within the next year, too. *WINK*

  4. Yes, an interesting mix. I hope you find a trusting soul to watch your cat and have a splendid trip!


  5. Junryo,

    don't you dwell in a place between two rivers?

  6. This is true! I wonder which one I'm supposed to flow with??
