Saturday, August 25, 2007

Meatpacking District, August 2007

Thanks, everybody, for the words of advice and encouragement yesterday. I’m not making any immediate changes in the blog - you helped me see that I was being sabotaged by my own doubts and expectations!

I think I was just experiencing a sort of down day - a down week, really. This has been a very intense time, with changes on the job, the trip to Florida and a family illness. After this weekend I’ll be in a position to relax a little more.

I’m going back up to our retreat center in the Hudson Valley today, to help move the Zen center’s belongings (mostly dozens of meditation cushions!) back to the city. This was originally going to entail me renting a U-Haul and driving (and parking!) it in Manhattan - the source of a lot of my stress! But as it stands now, another guy in the group who drives more regularly, and who already has insurance, will probably take the wheel. I’ll just navigate.

Another member of my Zen group knows a poet who’s about to get a book published, and she recommended me to take author photos for the book jacket! So I’m going to meet the poet today. I’ve told this woman that I’m not a professional photographer, and that I only have a point-and-shoot, so I hope I’m not over-representing myself. I’ve told her I’ll do it for free. It would be cool to have a photo credit on a book jacket, wouldn’t it?


  1. You're a very good photographer! And you have the heart of a poet, which will no doubt help you get the right angle, lighting, etc. I'm sure the pics will be great.

    Just read everyone else's comments from yesterday. Apparently there are many of us who benefit from "knowing" you - such as we can, from your blog.

    Blogging can never replace personal relationships, but it is a very brand new way of communicating. I wouldn't know you if not for blogging - and Pod, who told me to check out your blog. I'm so grateful for that.

  2. Steve, I missed commenting yesterday because of my son's medical appointment. Let me add to the chorus of your blog friends. I enjoy your blog and look forward to it each day.

    You may be a point and shoot photographer, but you have an eye for photography and that trumps equipment every time. Don't sell yourself short.

  3. Talent is talent and a good photo is a good photo - and you can easily handle the task. If she is a beginning poet (I know a few) she's also going to like th concept of "high quality for free" (unless she has a sugar daddy or is of independent means). ;-)

  4. you don't need an expensive camera to take a good shot. you can do it. i have every faith! know what you mean about blogging. in some ways i want to say more, but in some ways i don't. i enjoy what you already give. tis enough for a pod

  5. That photo itself is very Zen itself, whatever its subject may be.

  6. glad you are still with us.

    way to go on the book!
