Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bushwick, Brooklyn, Sept. 2007

You may have heard about Sally Field’s remarks at the Emmy Awards. But you may not have heard the remarks themselves, thanks to the Fox network.

In her acceptance speech, Field praised the mothers of the world and suggested that if mothers were in charge, there “would be no goddamn wars in the first place.”

Fox blanked out not only the cursing, but the whole latter half of the sentence, thereby ensuring that no one heard Field’s anti-war sentiment. Funny how that is. Except, of course, that it’s not funny at all - and I'd say that no matter what political opinion she expressed.

Completely unrelated: Yesterday someone found my blog through a Google search for “boy scout paramilitaristic.” I’m always glad when I can raise the profile of the Boy Scouts!


  1. Censorship in this country is nothing new - that's one of the reasons I'm so in love with bloggers who can say whatever they want to in public space, without censorship. Yeah!

    You're better than the best Eagle Scout, dealing with the plumbers from hell, your cat's various ailments, and sitting for hours with your Zen group without ever whining. You hike around the five boroughs endlessly, and your photography is spectacular. If you were a scout, your badge sash would be overflowing!!

    Can't quite imagine you in the uniform, though!

  2. Speaking of the Boy Scouts, isn't it funny how so many things in society are designed to mold us into a particular model of citizenship?

  3. You're doing your duty, and that's great!
    Also, Fox is such a bastard, I mean Murdoch is such a bastard. Ugh, makes me so angry. The question last night on Larry King was were they editing the cursing or the anti-war. Obviously, both.

  4. Fox is scary, scary, scary - a sad attempt at "news".
