Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ludlow Street, Sept. 2007

I didn't mean to imply yesterday that anything even remotely exciting kept me from getting to work on time. I was just late and didn't have time to write. I had a lousy night's sleep because my asthma was acting up a bit. Fortunately, last night things were fine and I slept soundly.

I love this piece of street art. It seems to be telling us that insects have hearts too! So remember that next time you reach for the Raid!

The lobby is being remodeled in the building where I live, as I think I've mentioned before. Today I'll be staying home at least part of the day because the workmen need to drill an access hole for a TV cable (even though I don't have cable myself!) as well as paint the front door. I have to hang out here until the paint dries because the apartment door has to stay open until then. So, yes, I will literally be watching paint dry. Woo hoo!


  1. I wonder if the dust from the renovation is giving you asthma? Glad you slept last night.

    LOVE the insect with a heart. Sweet. But I'll still kill every mosquito I can get my hands on. Butterflies? Never. Cockroaches (though I never see them here) - ALWAYS. Depends on the bug.

  2. I'm conflicted about killing bugs. I never kill anything on purpose, but we have a bug guy who sprays, so I guess I kill things, but am in denial about it.

    I was happy to learn that the horticulturalist in charge of our gardening program recommends not killing insects in the garden, with a very few exceptions. The exceptions are for insects that can kill a plant.

  3. I'd rather be at HOME watching paint dry than in some office doing work...any time! ;-)

  4. Reya: It's funny how we decide some bugs can live and some must die! The ones that suck my blood DEFINITELY die. I've been known to put roaches outside, though I'm not sure why. I always let spiders live.

    Merle: I like your gardening teacher's hilosophy! But we have an exterminator in our building, too, so I am hardly innocent in that regard!

    JDZS: Believe me, it's not fun. I'd rather be at work!

  5. Hey, while you're at it maybe you can put some water on to watch it boil and count the seconds as they pass.

    Let me know how long the paint takes - it's like how many licks to the center of a tootsie roll pop. Do you know the answer?

  6. Gary: Are you kidding?! Three! :)

  7. Raid? Steve, surely you wouldn't....

  8. Steve - Well Done! Can't you just picture that wise owl taking a chunk out of that lollipop?

  9. PS: I feel like I should reward you somehow...

  10. You can buy me a tootsie pop sometime. :)

  11. hey steve,
    don't know why it took me so long, but i've just now discovered your blog! helloooo!
    :) luna p

  12. Hey LP! Welcome to the blog!

  13. licking a tootsie roll pop?
    what is going on here?

    the insects here are to big to squish! we have a current swarm of moths. one flew out of my kegs yesterday!
