Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Night at the Opera

Last night I got to experience some real highbrow entertainment - I went to the Metropolitan Opera.

A friend from the Zen center, who’s kind of an opera hound, invited me - he had tickets to Verdi’s “MacBeth.” I’ve been to exactly three operas in my entire life, but I accepted, since I’m basically up for anything.

In some ways, it was beautiful. The staging and sets were fascinating, especially the dreamlike visions of MacBeth as he’s haunted by his crimes. Plus, the Met itself is such a scene, with everyone all dressed up and those glittery starburst chandeliers hanging from the gold-leaf ceiling.

But I’m just not a huge opera fan. I admit it - I nodded off a couple of times. I can appreciate the drama, but it’s very hard for me to establish any kind of relationship with the singing or the music. Even as I sat there appreciating the artistry of the production, part of me was thinking about being home in bed.

Which is where I’m going to stay on this dark and rainy morning. The weather seems to insist on it!

(Photo: Car reflection, Chelsea, Sept. 2007)


  1. The pic is beautiful! What building is that?

    I'm an opera lover. And I LOVE going to the Met. Knowing the operas already always helps - you know the MacBeth story but if you'd listened to the CD a few times, seeing it live would be a thrill.

    Maybe or maybe not!

    It's still rainy here, too, though I'm heading out early to go see the Annie Liebowitz show at the Corcoran. Museums are great rainy day destinations as are cozy days at home.

  2. I am glad you are back. Your pictures help me to see below the surface. I always have to force myself to look more deeply to notice how the shadows and light play in the photo. But checking out flicker wouldn't be the same without the commentary. I guess I like learning how someone else is navigating life in NYC.

  3. I kind of with you on the opera. I like the idea of going to the opera a bit more than actually being at the opera.

  4. This reflection looks like it could be in water, it's a really good photo. The opera does nothing for me either.

  5. What a stunning photograph - but then you have lots of beautiful images on your blog.

    As for opera, well the really good ones you just can't sleep through, they're way too dramatic! It's an acquired taste though :-)

  6. Oddly enough, my partner went to the opera last night too - he LOVES the opera, especially Wagner (though this was something else I can't recall). I have gotten into opera, too - though I am VERY picky. I like dark operas, and stuff that tends to be more contemporary...Salome, Faust, Mourning Becomes Electra, etc. Other kinds of opera bore me silly!

  7. Well the blog break didn't last long, eh?! So lovely to see your photos too.

    I love opera in very small doses. I love the "songs" but I become impatient very quickly with the storylines in a full production.

    Just a peasant at heart I guess.

    Jo-Anne in Vancouver

  8. i'm with you ste.
    i can't really stand opera. i get moved sometimes, but usually i sit there seething and wondering why i spent all that money!! ha ha! dance on the other hand.....

  9. Gosh, I love this image and Pink Moon is gorgeous too!

    Nice blue skies you're having!

  10. fantastic photo!!!!
    hope to see you at the opening on Thursday night!
