Thursday, November 1, 2007


I’ve been pretty prolific over the past week or so, haven’t I? Well, I’ve been trying to “stock up” the blog a bit in anticipation of today, when I leave on a two week vacation. I’m going to Italy! Woo hoo!

I’ll be in Rome, Florence and Venice -- and maybe a few other places -- traveling with my Mom. I’m taking a laid-back approach to this trip -- aside from hotel reservations and a few things we did in advance, like buy tickets to the Uffizi, we’re not really planning our daily activities. We’re just going to get up each day and see which way the Italian wind is blowing.

So I’ll see you when I get back, some time after Nov. 15th!

(Photo: Garden furniture outside an antique shop in Tribeca, Sept. 2007)


  1. Have a wonderful journey and a fantastic birthday!!

  2. Have a good trip Steve. Hope you have a great time.

  3. Holy moley, Italy! Have a fantastic time.

  4. have a fab time Steve, looking forward to seeing some of your photos.

    You should, of course, be spending 3 weeks in Europe, with some time over here.....

  5. Happy birthday, btw!

  6. Hope you have/had a GREAT trip. I love Italy, particularly Rome and Venice, though I have just never been impressed by Florence at all...yet people keep rating it so highly. I actually got kinda bored there.

  7. I love all of the tones in this shot, the shadows and rust, the chains, and warmth from the sun.

  8. You will be back soon but just wanted to drop a line and send you good wishes...

  9. Hope you're having a splendid time! Can't wait to see your trip photos and hear stories.

    Can't get over those chairs - how (un)comfortable can they be??
