Sunday, December 2, 2007


This has been quite a social weekend so far!

On Friday evening after work I met up with fellow blogger Gary, who is just as positive and enthusiastic as you’d expect from reading his blog. He was out with some friends to celebrate an engagement, and the whole group embraced me - literally and figuratively - and made me feel very welcome and comfortable. It wasn’t at all like hanging out with journalists, who often tend toward grumpy cynicism.

Then I raced off for a dinner with my friend Jan and her friends Helen and Cara at a place called BLT Steak. (I was kind of put off by the name, but Jan assured me they had some non-red-meat options on their menu, and she was right). We got a dose of excitement when we realized that both Alex Rodriguez (”A-Rod”) of the Yankees and Doug Flutie were sitting at nearby tables. I wouldn’t have recognized either one of them, mind you, but Jan is a huge sports fan - she even said hi to Alex as he passed us on the way to the bathroom, and he said hi back, to his credit. He seemed very tall, but then, I was sitting down.

Yesterday I spent running errands, cleaning, going to the gym and catching up on reading. I met my friend Bill in the evening and we went to see “August: Osage County,” a Broadway play by Tracy Letts. It was EXCELLENT - funny and cringe-inducing and tragic. Go see it!

(Photo: Pigeons in Chelsea, October 2007)


  1. New York is so glamorous - on any given evening you can have a drink with Gary or you, sit next to celebrities of all stripes, go see Broadway plays.

    The most exciting encounters we have here in Washington go something like this.

    Diner #1 Look!
    Diner #2 What? Is it someone famous?
    Diner #1 Don't you recognize him?
    Diner#2 Who? That gray headed, red faced man in the boring suit?
    Diner #1 Yes! I think it's .. its ...
    Diner #2 Yes! It's definitely the SENATE MAJORITY LEADER!
    Diner #1 Wow. He's even more plain looking in real life than in the papers.
    Diner #2 Exciting, isn't it?

    Uh ... NO! (laughing)

  2. You sure have had a busy weekend. It sounds like so much fun.

    We have very little that passes for excitment here in Hooterville. I used to run into Lee Marvin around town years ago. He was our resident celebrity and was just the most regular guy you would want to meet. Sorry to be such a hick.

  3. Sounds like the rest of your evening went better than mine which consisted of sitting on NJ Transit for an hour and a half with a slight buzz.

  4. Steve, I'm here from Pod, slowly making my way through his links. I chose yours because it's a Joni Mitchell song. Your photos certainly live up to the name. Just lovely.

  5. Reya: My level of excitement at seeing the Senate Majority Leader would vary wildly depending on which party was in power! (Love the little dialogue!)

    Merle: Lee Marvin is a cool celebrity sighting!

    Gary: Glad you weren't driving "Kermit." I actually wondered about that! :)

    Jane: Bravo! Believe it or not, you are the first visitor to spontaneously identify the source of my blog title! I'm a HUGE Joni fan.

  6. oooh I feel so knowledgable (doesn't often happen...umm, is that how you spell knowledgable?)
    Love the snow. I've only see it a couple of times. My parents used to live in Rochester NY when they were first married. They said you really grow to hate snow.I can't imagine. It always looks so pretty.
