Friday, February 22, 2008

Kathleen II

My recent post on Kathleen Turner and her appearance at the 92nd Street Y has attracted a bit of attention! The Y posted a video of the event and even linked back to me, quoting from my post. (Gulp!)

I also got a nice note from Gloria Feldt, who interviewed Kathleen and helped her write her book, "Send Yourself Roses." She has her own reader blog about the book.

I am not used to such attention. Ah, the miracles of Google and news feeds!

(Photo: Graffiti in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Feb. 2008)


  1. Isn't that cool. You never know what happens with this stuff after you put it out there. Fantastic and a big scary isn't it.


  2. I meant a bit scary but big kinda works too...

  3. web is just a apt word....

  4. It was a great post, so glad someone noticed! You write a lot of great posts.

    Peace to you, too!

  5. I wish I was able to see the entire evening with Ms. Turner. The mention of your comments is so cool.

  6. Big scary, indeed! :)

  7. Dennis would adore some attention. Dennis congratulates Steve.

  8. Very cool--Kathleen Turner is coming to Nyack, so we get to share in your experience!
