Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I didn’t watch the Oscars this year, so everything I know about the awards and the ceremony I learned from reading the paper and other people’s blogs. But I have very few gripes about how things turned out.

I’m so happy Javier Bardem won. I haven’t seen “No Country For Old Men” yet (remedying that this week) but I’ve always thought Bardem was robbed of his rightful Oscar for “Before Night Falls,” which was an amazing movie. So this helps correct a past injustice.

The same goes for Tilda Swinton. I also haven’t seen “Michael Clayton,” but Swinton has been great in many films, such as “The Deep End.” It’s about time she won.

I haven’t seen “La Vie En Rose” either, so I’m not yet sure how to feel about Marion Cotillard. I was rooting for Julie Christie, because as I’ve said, I’m a huge Julie Christie fan and I loved “Away From Her.” (Besides, is anyone more beautiful?)

I was appalled by the omission of Brad Renfro from the “in memoriam” segment of the ceremony, when the Academy looks back at the significant movie people who have died in the past year. Brad Renfro was screwed up, but he wasn't insignificant; he appeared in several high-profile movies like “The Client,” “Sleepers” and “Bully.” Whoever put that tribute together ought to be ashamed.

(Photo: Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Feb. 2008)


  1. Marion Cotillard does a fabulous job. Saw the movie here in France. Although the film per se is nothing I will remember forever, her performance is extraordinary. A stand out: when Edith Piaf learns of Marcel Cerdan's death - the whole scene is terrific.

  2. No Country for Old Men is one long intense moment, and there's no music to lull you into thinking it will ever get better. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  3. How could you not mention Daniel Day Lewis - he was BRILLINT in "There Will Be Blood" - and Marion Cotillard was AMAZING as Edith, too! Ohhhhh....

  4. One of my favorite movie fan friends says Marion C. was fantastic as Edith. I believe that anyone who could wear a funny dress like that should be given some kind of award.

    Also anyone named Javier deserves an award.

    All that said, you know I think awards are ridiculous - choosing "the best" is such a delusion. For heaven's sake. But I do love seeing what everyone wears.

  5. I love watching the grammys and oscars. Ashame they did not mention Renfro.

  6. she is very lovely. i'm still disappointed in her going for cosmetic work - but must be hard not to in the world she inhabits. and - i spose - what is "natural" anyway?

    i hope you'll give us a review of No Country - i'm planning to see it next week.

  7. Lettuce: Did she have work done?? I had no idea! Well, still, she looks great.

    JDZS: I just don't have much to say about Daniel Day-Lewis. He WAS great in that role, and he deserved the Oscar.
