Thursday, March 20, 2008


Spring is definitely springing here in New York. The daffodils have been spiking up through the ground for a couple of weeks now in the garden in front of our building, and yesterday I noticed that they’ve formed little yellow buds. So in a few days we should have daffodils in our garden.

When I was walking in Tompkins Square Park in the East Village last weekend, I saw the familiar purple huddles of crocuses amid the muddy thaw.

And of course the temperatures are warmer and the days brighter and longer. I’m still wearing my coat, because it’s a bit on the chilly side, but I don’t even bother to button it up. The scarf hangs limply around my neck. Soon it will be time to pack it away entirely, which is always SUCH a relief. You don’t really realize what an encumbrance a coat is until you don’t have to carry one anymore.

And then there’s the rain -- real, cleansing spring rain. It was raining yesterday morning as I walked to work, and the gutters were running with an irridescent film of oil, carrying all the street filth -- for better or worse -- into the storm drain. Now the city does seem cleaner.

Bring on the spring!

(Photo: Gate near Gramercy Park, March 2008)


  1. happy spring! I'm happy to hear that crocuses and daffodils are blooming - now if they just hold on for another week till I get to the big apple. I'm seriously in need of some flower power! our crocuses probably aren't that far away from coming up, if they aren't some already out.... but it needs to stop snowing in order to see them. the first day of spring has dawned sunny and bright so maybe I'll see some color after all...

  2. Even though it happens every year, I'm always amazed at how much easier it is to get out the door - don't have to put on coat, put on dog's coat, put on scarf, gloves, hat, then try to manage dog's leash with bulky mittened hands, etc.

    We never really had winter in DC, but it's too late to worry about that. Onwards into spring, which is well sprung here.

  3. "purple huddles of crocuses" - how perfect a description is that? beautiful, Steve.
    Happy Spring!
