Sunday, May 11, 2008


Yesterday was terrific. I didn’t even leave the house until about 4 p.m. Instead, I worked on all sorts of domestic projects and just relaxed: I cleaned, purged some stuff, organized more photos, sewed a few buttons, read, listened to music and spent time with the cat.

Then, in late afternoon, I finally got motivated and dragged myself out of the house to the gym. I went to Bob’s in the evening and we went for a walk around the reservoir in Central Park -- after our all-day rain on Friday, the weather had finally cleared and the air was cool and soft, the light golden on the walls of buildings on both sides of the park.

We got some take-out Italian and watched “Drugstore Cowboy” at his place.

I can’t tell you how much I needed that leisurely day. Today should be pretty laid-back, too, and this week shouldn’t be too intense, so I hope to finally do some sitting (after two weeks) and spend more time at home, indulging my inner homebody!

(Photo: Street art, East Village, April 2008)


  1. I have quite a few buttons that need resewing + the cuff on a pair of pants. Do you take in repairs, Steve? Rates? Delivery schedules? Overseas orders?

  2. My yesterday morning/afternoon was very much the same. I kept thinking how wonderful it was to just be at home with nothing I had to do - no papers to correct or write, no errands that couldn't wait. I think it is quite necessary to have at least one day a week to recharge and reconnect. Glad that you got yours!

  3. I love a quiet day. It's a time to catch your breath and unwind. We spend so much of our waking time so programmed and tightly wound. Savor the downtime!

  4. Ah- I love days like the one you had yesterday! Relaxing, yet productive- what a great feeling!

  5. Steve you're the last person I'd have thought needed to clean and purge some stuff!
    is there anything left in your apartment?!!

    all this talk of cleaning in everyone's blogs contributes to me feeling submerged in mess and clutter
