Friday, May 9, 2008

Yin and yang

I took these two shots in Tribeca, on different streets but just minutes apart. It's funny how perfectly balanced they are: white graffiti with black Vespa, black graffiti with white Vespa. Cosmic!


  1. It IS cosmic. Fantastic pair of pix. You rock!

    Happy weekend!

  2. Ooh-la-la! Have you seen the graffiti in Berlin? You would be snapping pictures right and left. I think Berlin is the graffiti capital of the world!

  3. fantastic find....why do I suddenly have an urge to learn more about string theory???

    in response to barbara's remark about berlin and graffiti, that's what I thought when I was in barcelona. however, I don't know if any place can claim being the graffiti capital - it is a world wide phenomena!

    one of these days I want to do a walking & photographic tour of cleveland's graffiti - I see some incredible stuff while riding on the rta but I want to get down there!!!

  4. They're soooo Style Council!

  5. wow, you really do have a keen eye don't you? Excellent.

  6. that is so cool - as are you, of course.

  7. ha...
    now all we need is a WHITE helmet on the seat of the BLACK Vespa, and the freak wormhole in the space/time fabric will open up, and we'll all get to see those pretty lights as in the end of 2001...

  8. amazing. beautiful.

  9. Brilliant!
    Love the little tied-up bag of trash in the corner of the 1st pic, too.

  10. Dennis likes the way you make pictures. these look like a well-planned photo shoot!!
