Sunday, July 6, 2008


My family is still in town. Yesterday we went up to the Bronx to see Yankee Stadium at my nephew's request. He loves sports and has an amazing memory for statistics and players -- we saw a mural featuring famous players from the past and he could name them all, even though they weren't labeled. I was impressed! He enjoyed just walking around the outside of the current stadium and seeing the new one being built next door.

Then my stepmother and I went to see "In the Heights," which is a terrific Broadway show. It won the Tony for best musical, and I can certainly understand why. It was moving and the music was terrific. We had a ball.

(Photo: Mysterious box on a trucking company fence in Red Hook, Brooklyn, June 2008)


  1. great picture. just think, it could be the inspiration for a new reality tv series: truckers with wigs.

  2. I'm glad to hear that young boys still love baseball. Maybe the world hasn't gone completely wacky.

  3. Glad you are enjoying your role as tour guide! I love the juxtaposition of interesting photos. NYC is such a great place. It's been several years since I was there and I'm anxious to return!

  4. wig drop is a mystery to me. gotta love those Yankees

  5. ha!
    come on ste, out with it, we know you were dropping your monkees wig back....
