Saturday, September 13, 2008

World Music

Today, I thought I'd share a couple of fun world music videos.

The first, by the Iranian singer Googoosh, I blatantly stole from Tut-Tut's blog just because I really love it.

But hearing it reminded me of a song I liked when I lived in Morocco, by the singer Majida al-Roumi. Called "Al Kalemat," or "Words," I first heard it when I was working in a remote health clinic and I bought the cassette as soon as I got to a major market nearby. Be warned: It's a long song, and you can ignore the cheesy visuals in the video. Just listen to the music.


(Photo: Random street art in Chelsea, Sept. 2008)


  1. Both very interesting and enjoyable. I think a person's taste in music is so important in defining who that person is. I want to know more about your stay in Morocco. I was there about 25 years ago and loved it.

  2. Fantastic! Thanks for some good music this early on a Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. تنها بهانه واسه زنده بودنم
    من به غیر از خوبی تو مگه

    حرفی می زنم?عشقت به من داد عمر دوباره
    معجزه با تو فرقی نداره
    خالق من بعد از خدایی

    and I mean every word :-)

    (cheesy, all right but there's a cute shot at 2:21-2:27 on the Majida Al-Roumi vid - for a light and shadow kind of person)

    best, Steve

  4. Loved the music and the photo of Chelsea art...Got anymore?
    I could introduce you to some from Latin America, if you like. I would love to learn more about the Iranian woman after reading the comments on U Tube.

  5. check out Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. he is awesome
