Monday, October 13, 2008


If I were going to manufacture the perfect day, I’d have made days like we had this weekend. Sunny and clear, with the yellowing leaves of early fall set against the blue background of the sky -- wow! I couldn’t ask for better.

Yesterday morning I went out to Bushwick, in Brooklyn, to do some photography. When I was out there Friday night for my friends’ photo exhibit, I saw some street art that I hadn’t yet photographed. So I went back and got some great shots, and also had a good cup of coffee and a pain au chocolat at The Archive, my favorite little coffee shop out there.

Then I came back to Manhattan and met my friend Rob for lunch at Neil’s, an old-fashioned diner on the Upper East Side. We went walking in Central Park, and then went to see Anne Hathaway’s new movie, “Rachel Getting Married.” (It’s a good movie, very well-acted, and yet kind of annoying -- not unlike actually being at a wedding.)

I mentioned the other day that my Buddhist practice has lately taken a slide, as has my gym attendance. I’m feeling the need to reapply myself and get back on track, on both counts. So I plan to make this week about refocusing. Off to the Stairmaster!

(Photo: Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, yesterday.)


  1. Sounds to me like you're fantastically focused ... on art and walking and this spectacular weather.

    When it gets cold and gloomy, maybe then the cushion and the gym will be more appealing? Right now, it makes perfect sense to enjoy the perfection.

  2. The weather has been great-- outside has been the place to be!

  3. Just think of it as taking a little vacation from your usual practices. You will then return with renewed energy to both I'm sure!

    I too have to constantly convince myself that it's OK to take a break.

  4. Oh yeah - it was gorgeous here in Buffalo, too. I also went for a long walk and took a few pictures, and tried to enjoy the perfection!

  5. what a gorgeous shot, the angel seems to be striding through the sky.

  6. I agree, it was an absolutely perfect weekend! I was rushing around doing "stuff" and suddenly was just struck by the beauty of the day! I was in front of a library that has a nice courtyard, so I decided I needed to just sit...And I did. For an hour! Doing nothing but watching people, and feeling the perfect breeze and gorgeous sun. It was a magical hour.

  7. That was the weather I'd hoped for when I was there two weeks ago instead of wet and muggy, but I still had a perfect time. Fortunately I got perfect fall weather last week in Oregon and this week back home in SF.

  8. Dennis takes breaks all of the time!

  9. I too took pics of lovely weather this past weekend, although it was hotter than yours. Now all I have to do is get them from camera to computer! Love the angel and your blogging buddies are right. The gym and the meditation should take a backseat to beautiful weather while it lasts.

  10. This week I am reapplying myself to an old exercise routine that has been unobserved for so long I'll be lucky if I can even remember it. May the force be with us both! (: )

    I think that your blue angel sky is at least tied with the super-blue sky in Merle's crane/a-c photos of a few weeks back. Lovely photo, as always.

  11. Wow, Doll, you have been busy! I've been enjoying the weather here as well. Love from the Prairie. xoxo.

  12. I am totally in love with Central Park & have taken many photos by that lovely fountain.

    Your photo is like the day you described.

  13. did you keep your botty covered though?

  14. there is nothing like a perfect set of october days! I love the composition of this post's photo! know exactly where that angel is!!

  15. your comment on the film/weddings is funny

    similarly great weather over here at the monent

    also, similarly applying myself to exercise, lots of cycling this week.
    (aching thighs)
