Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Big Finish

This may seem like a bit of bait-and-switch, given that I promised to return after a week, but I've been giving some serious thought to my blog and I've decided to call it quits. It's been 2 1/2 years, nearly 800 almost-daily entries, and I've met some wonderful people with whom I hope to remain in contact. But I think I've taken this blog about as far as it can go.

I've mentioned before that I've never been entirely comfortable with the blog format. I started the blog to show off my photos, and now that I'm on Flickr, that purpose seems dubious at best. I don't rule out a return to blogging at some point, under a different blog name or identity, but we'll see about that.

Meanwhile, I'll still be in blogland as a reader of the blogs I frequent now, so if you follow that same circle you'll see my comments and you won't be rid of me entirely. (Sadly! :) )

I thank you all for reading Shadows & Light each day. (Or as frequently as you were able!) You can keep up with me on Flickr by clicking the badge to the right.

As the Buddhists say, "May all beings be happy!"


  1. Oh Steve - I'll miss ya! Your blog was always a good read; nicely done, simple but interesting, and filled with great pictures. But, I DO understand - I sometimes feel like letting go of Contextual Musings, too. I'm so busy these days and have really gotten into Facebook. Plus, so many of my "regular reads" don't blog all that much anymore that it's not worth paging through my blogroll.

  2. I'm going to miss your posts Steve! However, I am going to add you as a contact on Flickr so that I can keep up with your amazing photography. I'm glad you found me in the insaneness that is the Internet all those months ago!

  3. It is very un-Zen-like of me, but I will say it anyway. I'm sad.

  4. Hey! Where'dhego-Where'dhego-Where'dhego-Where'dhego??

  5. I'm a fairly new reader of yours but I will miss your blog and your photos. If I ever make it over to Flickr I'll look for your photos there!

  6. Steve - You had mentioned this to me before so I am not totally shocked by your decision. The blow is cushioned by that and by the fact that now that we are friends in real life I am sure to be seeing more of you.

    I'll add your Flickr site to my sidebar thingie so I can keep up with your fab photos.


  7. Nooooooooooooooooo!

  8. Good luck and thank you.

  9. Hail and farewell, Steve. May the road rise to meet you...

  10. was does the G stand for Mr. S.G.R ?

  11. Sorry to hear that I won't be able to read you daily any longer, but I do understand. I hope life continues to treat you well.

  12. Oh unhappy day!! No more Shadows and Light.
    Ah well, such is life…
    Thank you Steve, for the always superbly composed photographs, often thought provoking posts and the concise personal insights into your hometown.
    I shall look in on flickr from time to time.
    All the best
    Ms Soup

  13. I hope you don't disappear completely off the radar. You're a terrific writer, wonderful picture-taker and amazing spitir. See you next time I'm in NYC-or you come to Ogreville!

  14. Steve, this has been one of my very favorite blogs, and I will miss it. Having myself taken a nearly three-week break from blogging, I do understand the impulse, though. Please keep in touch through other means ( Look forward to meeting you in person next weekend at B's.

  15. A loss, certainly. Yours has been a good voice in the static wilderness of the web -- be well, & see ye in the comments of here-and-there...

  16. Everyone, thanks for the kind words. It's nice to know so many people enjoyed my blog. I'll still be out there, checking up on all of you! :)

  17. blogger seems to have eaten the comment i thought i'd left

    and i'll miss your writing

    but will be so glad to go on seeing you here and there

    and over there maybe
    and, i hope, over here?

    (thanks for the pc)

  18. I'll miss seeing you in this form, but I'm glad we've finally met in person. We'll continue to see you over on Facebook and I hope in NYC again or if you ever make it out west.

  19. You have always been so kind ... and I will definitely keep up with the photos. Breaks are good. All the best to you and yours. And love from The Prairie. xoxo.

  20. blogger seems to have eaten the comment I made yesterday! (unless it was so inarticulate you had to delete it)

    anyhow, I'll try to be more concise:
    thank you for bringing so much light into our lives through the words of your shadow and light...and so sad to see you close up shop with the blog.

    hope to see you whenever I'm in nyc and who knows maybe someday something will bring you to the north coast!

    best always. eek!

  21. Well, SHOOT! as we say in Texas!
    Been a pleasure readin' you! if and when I get up to se Dave and barb I'll be asking bout cha!

  22. I'll miss my daily shot of NYC literally and figuratively! I'm not quite ready to quit yet, so I hope to continue to see your comments. Otherwise, I know where to find you!

  23. I'll be sorry to see you stop 2 and a half years is good going and I wonder about it sometimes. Good luck and best wishes whatever.

  24. I just saw this today, so I hope you are still receiving comments in your e-mail. I've been stuck behind my computer, editing away, and not able to check blogs.

    I've really gotten much from your musings and photographs. I'm sorry you've decided to leave this format, but perhaps your journal/poetry/writing will blossom in another direction.

    Have a good Thanksgiving.

  25. Well I'm glad I've met you because of your blog and definitely plan to stay connected!!!

    I look forward to keeping up with your're very talented!

  26. Dennis has stopped by. What happened to the blog?

  27. oh! i miss the farewell do!
    see ya on flickr!

  28. gunther? gaylord? gerard?

  29. Steve,

    Good for you, –letting go isn't always easy, and for those on the other side as well. Although, I wasn't a regular (I needed breaks too), but I always left your blog feeling inspired. So thank you. I look forward to running across you once in a while.

    Be well.

  30. Geronimo ? Grevoy ?

  31. Please don't leave your blog. A picture may speak a thousand words, but the written word speaks volumes. Imagination is in the prose.
