Tuesday, November 4, 2008


(Photo: Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 2008)


  1. I did! There were 278 people in line at 6:00 when I arrived just as the polls were opening. Unheard of! It took an hour to vote, but I was encouraged because it was a very pro-Obama line. The guy manning the McCain table didn't even have a political tee shirt on. I'm practicing a victory dance...

  2. My blog today is titled VOTE and contains only an image, no words.

    I love being on a wavelength with you!

    Fingers crossed.

  3. B: I also voted right after 6 a.m., and the line was already 1/4 of the way around the block. When I left the gym an hour later, it wrapped around two corners and down most of a third side of the block. Fortunately, when I was there, it moved fast. (Here in NY, we did not have early voting, so it's now or never for the whole state.)

    Reya: That's awesome! It just seemed like the thing to do today!

  4. Arizona has a very liberal early voting law, so no lines for me.

  5. Love the book! I'm ordering a copy as soon as I have room on the plastic!

  6. Great photo, one of your best in the narrative sense. & what a picture of a moment in time.

  7. omg! I know exactly where you took that photo! (The last time I passed that particular wall, the Obama poster wasn't up, but I recognize the door.)

    And re. the election: WOOOOHOOOO!
