Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to Winter

Well, yesterday turned into another action-packed day.

I zipped over to New Jersey in the morning to help my friend David assemble a new desk he got at Ikea. It was an adventure, with a million little screws and anchors of all different sizes, but fortunately the directions were very clear (and entirely pictorial) and we figured it out in a couple of hours. No drawers, thank God.

Then I went straight across Manhattan and out to Brooklyn to meet up with my friend Kate, who wanted to do some walking. We wandered through Williamsburg and Greenpoint -- an entirely different direction from where Katherine and I walked Saturday. We found some neat street art while walking along the East River, and though we were only out for an hour or two, I was chilled to the bone by the time we got to her apartment. The weather was changing, turning blustery and gray.

Kate, her partner Moom and I had dinner, and Katherine (from Saturday) joined us later. Greenpoint is a very Polish neighborhood, so we’d planned to have a Polish feast with mushroom and cheese pierogis and different Polish beers. At the last minute we had a menu change, though, and went with gnocchi and Polish beer. If I were a chef I’d call it “Italian-Polish fusion cuisine” -- and Moom, who did most of the cooking, is Vietnamese-American, so there was a bit of that sensibility thrown in as well. (Coconut ice cream for dessert, for example.)

While we ate it began to snow, and by the time I walked to the bus stop the streets and cars all had a light dusting. A few days ago it was warm and bright enough to seem like spring, but for the time being at least, we’re back to winter.

(Photo: E. 29th St., last night)


  1. I'm looking out my window at what must be the last gasp of Winter here as well. It's white and still fluttering down.

    Your fusion dinner made my mouth water. You seem to have an endless supply of interesting friends!

  2. Finally we have snow here, too. It's beautiful! I praise the groundhog!!

    Glad you got out while you could for your heroic walk.

  3. Hey Steve,

    The rain has stopped but it was so chilly that I put the heat on!

    If it snowed here, that would really be something!

  4. It's almost a pattern the snow makes where it falls, drawing attention in the contrast it makes wih the street.

  5. the photo is like some wonderful snow flower!!

    the snow missed us this time, but we are having an arctic blast!!!!! brrrrrr

    so nice to have you back .... your posts are like a little trip to the zendo for me!

  6. I really love this shot--all the cone shapes.
