Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When I wrote yesterday's post I hadn't yet been outside, so I didn't realize how much snow we got during the night. (I never know what the weather is doing until it happens -- I seldom bother with weather reports.) When I stepped outside to go to work, I was shocked to see so much accumulation.

You'd never know it was March! I guess this is what they mean by "in like a lion."

(Photos, from top: E. 30th Street; the back yard of my building; garbage from the high-rise next door; bicycles on Third Avenue)


  1. When I commented yesterday that a few flakes were still falling, I hadn't assessed the drift of snow by my side door or the piles of snow on the deck furniture. It was a real winter snow after all!

    Now I have to dig my way out to go see my surgeon for what I hope will be my final appointment!

  2. Wow Steve...Did you walk to work in that stuff?

  3. It won't surprise you to hear that I took all these same photos, except here in DC.

    I wanted snow so much. Now I'm itching for spring. Will nothing ever satisfy me??

  4. Steve it was 90 here yesterday. No joke. An usual March on the opposite end.

  5. Ours is long gone here in London, tho we're promised a little sleet tomorrow. All the cold without the beauty. Those chairs look like they have fluffy white cushions.
