Monday, April 27, 2009


Well, now I have quite the farmer burn from being outside all weekend. Dave and I decided yesterday to go to Brooklyn -- I wanted to show him Dumbo, the neighborhood where the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges converge. There’s a great waterfront park overlooking lower Manhattan and some nice restaurants. So we zipped out there, had brunch, lounged in the park, and walked over to the historic district in Vinegar Hill.

We’d considered going to the Bronx Zoo, but we never made it that far (not surprising, considering we began the day traveling in the opposite direction).

Instead we came back to my apartment, made dinner (baked chicken -- we used the oven again!), and went to see "The Soloist," with Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx. It was a great movie, especially for a newspaper guy like me. It’s the first movie I remember seeing that addresses the death of newspapers -- showing the layoffs and financial squeezes affecting newsrooms. It also captures the cynical yet idealistic spirit of reporters.

(Top: Brooklyn Bridge, from the park in Dumbo. Bottom: Shadow of the Manhattan Bridge on a nearby building.)


  1. wow. Just watched the trailer of The Soloist - looks pretty powerful.

    Sounds like you had a great day. I love that triangular shadow of the bridge on the building.

    Have a good Monday, Steve.

  2. You're becoming quite the cook! Sounds like a great day wandering around with someone who really appreciates your company. There's a lot to be said for that. The bridge shadow photo is very unusual and powerful, especially when you know the source of the shadow. I know only one other person who sees shots like this as well as you do.

    Now go keep that newspaper in business!

  3. That shadow picture is exquisite! Wow.

    We used to call them "trucker tans" in Kansas.

  4. Steve, what a great photo! I'm just an old rube from the desert, but one of my few big adventures was walking over the Brooklyn Bridge.

  5. Steve: please don't panic if you get a warning when trying to access my blog. It's been deleted for 'reprehensible content' after an automated search and destroy operation. I'm working on retrieving it and getting reinstated but in the meantime, I want my blogging friends to know their computers are NOT at risk from having visited my blog.

    Boy, who needs this?

    best to you.
