Monday, May 18, 2009


Yesterday was the annual AIDS Walk here in New York. We had especially yucky weather when we began in the morning -- gray and damp -- but things got better as the day wore on. I walked about 2/3 of the way with my team, but then a coworker and I got separated from the rest of the group when we stopped at the port-o-lets and we never found them again. Oh well!

I raised about $1,500, which made me happy -- if I break $1,000 I figure I'm pulling my weight. (Thanks to those of you who donated, by the way!)

After the walk I came home and crashed. I caught up on reading in the afternoon and watched a very bizarre movie at night: "Rat Pfink a Boo Boo," a 1965 cult classic about a pair of unlikely superheroes. I heard about it through a contact on Flickr. I wouldn't say it was good, but it was definitely...unusual.

(Photo: Financial District, April 2009)


  1. Love the photo. To me it says the sky is the limit when you set your mind to something. Kudos for your contribution to fighting AIDS!

  2. I forgot all about "rat finks."

    Movies made in the 60's are all a little bit weird. Saturday night we watched "Milk." Couldn't believe that was Sean Penn.


  3. I don't have time to check out this movie, but congratulations on raising the money.

    The photo feels like looking up at the sky from the bottom of a canyon.
