Thursday, June 25, 2009

KFC on the Floor

Dave got back from Michigan last night. The poor guy had quite a day -- driving across the northeast, getting the key to his new apartment and moving in some stuff, then driving into the city to retrieve his dogs and his troublesome boyfriend.

Since his furniture hasn't arrived yet, we had dinner last night on the beige-carpeted floor of his very beige new place. We got Kentucky Fried Chicken (though we both got the grilled version) -- a very beige meal, come to think of it. I tried to liven things up with some wine and a candle, and his mom had given him a homemade apple pie, so we had a tasty dessert. We ate it straight from the pan with our sporks.

I caught the 11:30 train back into the city last night. It actually took about an hour -- more time than I expected, but as some of my commenters have pointed out, still not a bad commute.

I'm trying to be cheerful about his move, but honestly, I'm kind of depressed about it. I know it's not that far away, but the area where he's living is such a different world. It seems very far.

Oh well. One way or another, we'll adjust, right?

(Photo: Chairs in an outdoor plaza seen from above, Meatpacking District, June 2009)


  1. That hardly sounds like a "Dave" dinner. The thought of KFC makes me gag! I'm sure the version you ate was not nearly as bad as the traditional breaded and deep-fried chicken.

    You will continue to be happy in Dave's company, but you're a city guy and will miss your home town. Maybe after a while Dave will miss the excitement of the city and choose to move again.

    Love is all about making compromises and sacrifices. I'm sure you guys will work it out in the interest of your relationship. But meanwhile the commute may not be so much fun.

  2. There is a place for beige. Sorry about the adjustment - was he living in Manhattan but moved to NJ? Or did he live in Michigan? I'm confused.

    Whatever ... it'll all sift itself out. In the meantime, you have a right to feel unhappy about it. I know I would.

  3. Those are chairs? Not exactly loungers, are they?

    beige + KFC + train ride sounds like a lot of readjusting. Bet you'll make the best of the space, though.

    Good thoughts to you, Steve.

  4. Clarifications: Dave's family lives in Michigan, and that's where he's from and where all his furniture remains. He went there to pick up his car and some belongings. But for the past year he's lived in Manhattan, and that's where he was when we met.

    Also, just to make things clear to everyone, I am not moving to New Jersey. I'm just helping Dave settle in, and when I say "commute" I mean going out to visit him. I'm still living in my city apartment.

  5. lets hope it won't be long before explosions of some color move in with dave.

    sometimes those monochromatic beige meals are very comforting... was the wine white or red and how about the candle!

    an hour ride on the train is great for reading!! if you are anything like me, you never have enough time to read all the books on the 'must read' pile!

  6. Troublesome boyfriend? Never!!
    Everything will be alright in the end.....

    Ms Soup

  7. These are the simple times that you will remember best as things become more and more complicated. Not worse mind you, just more involved. KFC on the floor seems tres romantic.
