Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weekend in Pictures

Here are a few random pictures from my weekend. I already wrote about my activities, so let’s call this the supplementary illustrated account.

Above are Dave with Ernie and Ruby at the dog park in East Brunswick. I call this photo the “Port-a-Potty Picnic.” We picked up some stuff from a deli near his house and went to the park, which proved to be a little more bare and sun-baked than we’d imagined. The dogs ran around for a while but eventually wound up lying in the shade beneath our bench, panting -- that was our cue to leave.

Here’s a photo of Ernie and Ruby, both boxers, in Dave’s apartment. I love this pic. They’re both rescue dogs so their ages are uncertain, but they’re probably getting up around 10 years old. I’m not sure what they were so intrigued with outside.

And here is an apple tart Dave made. What an artiste!


  1. Wow! What a piece of tart art! I'll bet it tasted great even as the design was ruined by cutting into it.

    You're becoming a dog person, I can tell. But I won't let Armenia know.

  2. Does one have to be either a dog or cat person exclusively? I think I'm a quadruped person. :)

  3. What's more appealing, Ernie and Ruby or the apple tart? Hard to say!

    Nice to have visuals to go with the story.

  4. What cute pups! I love how they're both in the same stance in both pictures. And the tart is gorgeous!

  5. Ernie and Ruby look like they could stand a few more trips to the dog park! They have a very Henry-ish rotundness to them!

    Botticelli Dogs!

  6. Yeah, Ernie and Ruby are a little "robust!" But we still love them! Maybe I should stop feeding them apple tart! LOL

  7. I can provide an address should Dave have any baked items left over.

  8. I'll bet Ernie and Ruby would love my homemade dogfood and Dave could probably add some gourmet touches. My Jake is looking quite svelte after being on it for a couple of months. His coat is definitely improved, as is his finicky stomach. I'm convinced I'm saving money as well.

    Here is the recipe in case you want to give it a try on a lazy weekend. I use homemade stock instead of water for starters.

  9. A Botticelli Dog is a happy dog!
