Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sapien, Drafter and Genocide

Today I came back to New York from Dave's, to spend time with the cat and prepare for a doctor's appointment in the morning. I'm on vacation this week, but because I'm an idiot, I managed to schedule the doc during my time off. Good thing I'm not going anywhere, I guess!

Anyway, on the way back from New Brunswick, I got off the train in Elizabeth, N.J., because I'd seen some good graffiti in that area and I wanted to try to shoot it. I walked the streets near the railroad tracks from Elizabeth into Newark, and I found lots of interesting stuff. It was in the low 90's today, so I got bloody hot, and I had to go through big holes in a few fences to get the good stuff. But I managed!

Afterwards I stopped into a Popeye's Fried Chicken and had a large iced tea, and then a second large iced tea. When I say tea I use the term loosely -- high fructose corn syrup would be more like it. But it was the best tea I ever drank!

This Popeye's was in Newark, and I saw something there I've never seen before: fast food cashiers behind bullet-proof glass. Interesting.

Anyway, here's some of the graffiti I wanted to shoot. I've been seeing these three boxcar-sized pieces for weeks from the train, so it was nice to get them up close!


  1. Well, it was broad daylight and I don't think it was TOO hazardous, really.

  2. It looks to me like the same artist. Aren't you curious about the person and how the artist chose those three words and what they mean in that context?

    Heat pairs well with mega-sugar!

  3. If it's not the same artist, it's definitely the same crew. But I think you're right -- it probably is the same person.

  4. When you're thirsty any cool liquid is the best thing you've ever had.

    Very cool pics, Steve! Wow.

    My father was born in Elizabeth, but that was in 1921. I'm guessing it was a very different sort of place then. He grew up in the Bronx, also a very different place then.

  5. I've been meaning to get off the rta (cleveland commuter train) to snap some good railside graffiti from MONTHS..... unfortunately some of the good stuff has already been whitewashed in the never-ending eradication campaign.... gotta be a nike ad and just do it!!
