Saturday, September 26, 2009


Yesterday we drove up to Jacksonville to hang out with my brother and his wife and daughter. I am now living in home-improvement-project heaven! My brother loves working on his house and yard, and he has a roster of activities planned for the day. My activities mostly involve lying in a hammock and reading a book, unless it rains -- in which case I will move to the couch.

Last night we went to a restaurant called European Street, a sort of exotic deli, and I finally had a Chimay beer, which Dave told me about months ago but I never had an opportunity to try. I had to text him immediately and tell him I found it in Jacksonville!

We walked back to the car along the St. John's River, where I snapped the photo above.


  1. Another unbeatable Florida sky! And I must say your brother seems to be a font of experience and knowledge. Ask him what his top 3 materials for fixing/making things are; I would like to compare them to my father's list of toothpicks, Vaseline, golf tees, and soda cans (which can be cut up to make an assortment of things.)

  2. You are having a REAL vacation. I salute you!!

  3. lying in a hammock and reading a book
    under those skies

    just perfect!
